Stormy Weather

This summer, my hometown has had an enormous quantity of thunder and lightning.  It’s been beautiful. It is the kind of weather that kicks and screams for major emotional work and thinking.  And not to get too spiritual (which is really not very sexy), it’s a good time for figuring out your shit.

Years ago, I had decided that I would be the thunder clouds that brought out the fire in people and help them temper their inner storms.  No, I don’t believe kink is a good replacement for a therapist, but it can direct your passions and channel emotions in the meantime.

Before all the rain and thunder, I found a decent crew of people through a Kik chatroom and it felt like home for the first time in a long while.  He started that group.  I’ll call him B.

B and I had a mutual fetish for boot worship (which brings other memories to mind, which I’ll probably discuss some other time).  I had been given a new pair of thigh high boots last year.  I was so sick that I couldn’t even try them on due to my illness, so the laces weren’t even applied yet.  I had him do this for me – since he liked boots so much.

I had all of my gear laid out to let it breath and refamiliarize myself with it for the first time in over a year.  As my eyes traced along the items – nothing spectacular – I had lightening flashes of memories.  The collar that my Toronto boy wore briefly.  The collar I wore briefly, even.  The nipple clamps that Nameless gave me.  He had decorated them with bells, and boa-like feathers.  I remembered myself and Shade laughing at him as he did jumping jacks for us.  A gag I bought from a gay dude that used to go to parties with me here in NL.  His rope work – exquisite.  The path to memory lane igniting with every item I looked at.

Finally,  the first was laced.  I put it on, sliding my finger over the R.  Remembering our first, and only scene so far.  Yet, he was in a fashion, one of my longest standing friends.  He saw submissive me at her heights.  He also saw the Dominant me in all her glory, and in fact, fashioned a part of her.

I walked – shakily – on the 8″ heels for the first few steps and the reality of it flooded down the edges of my soul.

“What will you do to get at my boots?” I asked.  I knew what I wanted from him – he would deal with the pain he didn’t have any interest in or desire for.  He agreed, and off I went.

And then his own drops fell – tears.  I won’t get into the personal details, however, I think it was a temporary reprieve in the cloudy skies for him.

“I hope you realize that I’m not done yet,” (Or some such thing) I advised him, and went back to it.  This time hitting him with more severe implements, and he was able to tolerate it.

And then I let him do what we had probably always fantasized about.  His wriggling around on the ground, my helpfulness run out and deciding not to move to make things easier for him.  He would struggle.  Every man who ever showed interest in me again would have to show me that they are capable and worthy of weathering my own kind of storm.

Within days after scening, the flooding along his banks gave way and he disappeared from the group and needed some time to relax.  I would blame myself, except I know that I didn’t do anything extreme, or wrong, with him.  I didn’t play him hard enough for him to drop.  I even had the expectation of playing with him again next week.  But I’ve had enough emotional weathering at this point in my life, and it’s time for me to simply dance in the rain.

Complete with my 8″ platform stilettos on.

The Govner’s Spa Weekend

My goals last week?  I totally rocked them.  Mind you, I did not practice the rope bondage suspension before I did it.  As it would turn out I didn’t really need it so much.  Honestly, it would likely have just left my skin in a bit of pain and then possibly chicken out of the ‘main event’ at the Gov’ner’s party this weekend. But all other goals were met!

So my weekend, I have to say, was pretty marvelous.

A Dom from St. John’s who I’ve been chit chatting with a fair amount decided to come out for his first experience at the Govner’s ‘Spa’. He agreed to pick me up as he would be driving through anyways.  Other than something that could resemble a mild comedy routine whereby I kept adding more and more luggage to his car – pulling from inside, and my stockpile of kink in my car (boots, rope, hardware bag, a giant suitcase of possible clothing options that would suit whatever mood I happened to uncover for the party  the next day.  Oh, not to mention my hitty implements (and it is official, I need a funky case to put that stuff in so my canes aren’t forced in against their will.  Force is great, kinky canes are slightly less great.

We were very comfortable chatting most of the 3 hour drive and it remained very….clean for the most part.  I know, what got into me?!

We got there just after 8, or before 9, and shortly after unpacking and checking out the dungeon again, a cross dresser, whom is a submissive came over to meet me.  3 men….who like motorcycles, and guns….

But it could have been worse.  The conversation was happening in a dungeon and the lighting and imagery, and general mood was creeping into my bones.  If I had slept the night before, it would have even been dangerous.  But…alas.

And then my head hit the pillow and I was out cold for at least 8 hours, maybe longer.  The morning picked up where the evening left off – with conversation, and a twinge of excitement all around for the evening’s festivities.  There would be 3 young ladies joining us.

To preserve a bit of secrecy regarding the afternoon fun….I will throw out some things which stood out, with a bit of obscurity.  A young fundraiser was at the door amongst screams out of the dungeon, there was some intense electricity, we proved that sometimes pain was just painful, but bondage is slightly yummier.  Oh, and sometimes, it’s important to clear certain channels, and it apparently is something that should be felt whether Dominant, submissive, or vanilla.

I was a bit concerned about the party in the first little while….

A Chocolate Martini kicked my ass, firstly.  Despite a full stomach, I decided to go sit on the side of my bed and breath – yes, sure, that helps sober people up right?  I drank a bunch of water.  I washed my face.  Eventually, I found my sober.

Which is good….because I wound up doing the self suspension right off.

I’ve only done a few self suspensions in my day, and I had stuck with the same basic premise and style because I wanted to do well enough and perfect that style until I could do it easily and perfectly.  This time though…I decided I would do a more horizontal, more supported tie.  I’m glad I did venture to try something almost completely different too.  It was quite a bit easier on the waist rope (other than the inadvertent rope burn I got from moving the waist rope around while applying weight onto it.  There was some issues with finding the right height for each rope, but once I got it, it was a very comfortable tie.

I did not mean to do it topless….but after it became apparent that my shirt was not going to be cooperative with staying still in the first 5 minutes, I ripped it off and went topless.  There weren’t too many complaints.  😛

Honestly, as I look at some of the pictures of me in rest at the end of the tie, I wish I had stayed in the tie significantly longer. But what one struggles with while hanging there, then, is the responsibility to get oneself out takes almost the same amount of strength and endurance that getting up there does.  I did better than normal actually.  The tension on the ropes on my waist rope had caused a bit of a cat’s cradle when it came time to undo it which became apparent that as long as there was tension, I would not be able to get it.

I’m glad I brought a series of different clothing options together because I was so not going to be able to put a corset on over that rope burn/bad stomach.  I went with my classic holy-side dress, and it was decided as a group, I would wear my thigh high boots.  Knee highs just would not do.

One of the girls became particularly entranced by the scene and perhaps me.  She is Domme as well, but she definitely has a masochistic side.  I played with both her, and her friend that night….just mildly with light bondage and a bit of SM.  I believe they definitely enjoyed themselves.  There was much talking, and physical chemistry that could be easily felt or observed as she looked at me a few times.  I will admit….it was rather hot.  And I’m looking forward to co-Topping with her sometime.  I know with a bit of direction, she’ll be a cruel, sadistic bitch – my kind of chick, indeed.

There was some pretty awesome scene-energy later in the evening which I believe had a couple of us very happy…and again…I’ll opt to remain mysterious.  😀

That said – it was a fucking fantastic time, yet again.

My few days to follow, I’ve been fairly sleep deprived which has helped temper myself from crashing too much thus far, but I suspect the worst would have been over by now.

Besides, there are new fun times already on the near horizon!  Can’t wait!